Bank note scanner
Innovia Systems
The Innovia Group are one of the innovators behind the new polymer bank notes used around the world as well as the equipment that check for couterfeits.
The original desktop and handheld enclosure designs were provided by Innovia however they were not suitable for manufacture, the number of parts and prices were excessive, product assembly was difficult and costly, and the materials (and colours) chosen were interfering with the scanning process creating performance failure risks during the early trials.
As a result, both scanners were re-designed from the ground up whilst maintaining the original styling. All of Innovia’s targets for design styling, part count, assembly time, tooling cost, and product costs were hit and most importantly all done without adverse effects to scanning functionality in real work situations.
The designs were taken through to full production files created as per the requirements of the production company chosen.
This project is a good example of how industrial design must be led by targets provided via a ‘business proposition’ as well as having clear understanding of the product technology and how design choices based on styling can have negative effects later down the line.
This is why at Product CDM, we insist on using our consultancy process before attempting any design activities on new projects.
This project was briefed and commissioned by ADI (Advanced Digital Innovations) who created the electronic hardware and software solutions for Innovia Systems.